Preventative Health screenings can both increase employee satisfaction, and reduce insurance costs for your business. More importantly, however, they save lives. Knowing which screenings to offer and how to set them up can be difficult to navigate. Here’s a guide on how to determine what types of screenings to offer your employees and what the benefits are.
Industry Specific Screenings– Depending on what industry your business is in can affect which screenings you should offer. One of the biggest industry specific screenings are for businesses that potentially expose their workers to asbestos.
A Yearly X-ray can detect signs of mesothelioma and lung damage long before an employee has symptoms. If your company is in any of the following industries, you should be offering yearly X-rays:
Fire Fighters
Ship Yards
Power Plants
Textile Mills
Additionally, here’s a list of industries with minimal risk of asbestos exposure who might also want to consider offering yearly screenings: Industries at risk of asbestos exposure.
Non Industry Specific Screenings– Research suggests that by offering additional health screenings health insurance costs over the long run will be much lower. Consider offering your employees these screenings, and contact your individual insurance company to see what additional breaks they’ll give you for wellness programs.
Blood Pressure Screening
Cholesterol Screening
Diabetes Screening
Setting up screenings is as easy as contacting a provider and having them come directly to you. We perform mobile X-rays, EKG’s, and Ultrasound’s. If you need help walking through the process or would like a free consultation