While the business of insurance is complicated at least one thing makes sense. The healthier a group of insured people are the lower the insurance rates can be. It’s a simple risk/ benefit analysis. There are individuals that insurance companies loose money on so in order to stay profitable they have to carry enough policyholders that statistically won’t need high dollar medical care.

What a lot of business owners don’t know, and arguably what insurance companies do a bad job of promoting is that there are measures you can take to reduce your insurance costs. Every Insurance Company is different so be sure to check with your provider and ask for a list of what employee screenings will offer a discount. Additionally certain insurance companies will offer price breaks if employees are given gym memberships and other “healthy living options are met. To give you a concrete example the average cost avoided by a portable study in 2012 for Medicare was $4500.00.

Traditionally medical imaging has been expensive, and it’s not realistic to send every employee to the hospital for a screening. In addition to incurring the cost of the procedure you would also be paying for their time off. Mobile Imaging comes directly to your office and the price point is significantly lower, allowing you to truly save on insurance. Here’s a great article on the difference between the cost of imaging in hospitals vs stand alone and mobile centers.

Here’s what you can expect when you schedule a mobile screening for your office or business: You decide on a time that’s convenient for your employees and budget approximately 15 minutes per person. After the screenings are complete you will receive digital files of each person’s results. It takes about an hour to get the results. The only paperwork needed is a signed order and insurance information. It’s really that easy. If you have any further questions about what types of screenings we offer and how we can be of service to you feel free to call or email us and we’ll be happy to help.




http://www. gao/gov/products/GAO-13-6.

