Meet the Alpha One Team: Andrew Knox

Meet the Alpha One Team: Andrew Knox

      At Alpha One Imaging, our employees truly are our family. They are integral to our success and greatly contribute to the state-of-the-art mobile imaging services that we provide our clients. Meet the newest member of our team, x-ray tech, Andrew...

The Benefits of Our 24/7 Radiology Information System for Physicians

At Alpha One Imaging, we perform onsite diagnostic imaging services that help aid physicians in the accurate diagnosis of patients’ underlying health concerns. We understand that having a digital, comprehensive view of patient information can help optimize the level...

Ultrasounds: What They Detect and How They Can Help Your Employees

Ultrasounds can detect a plethora of health problems, which makes them incredibly beneficial to both employees and their employers. Preventative screenings allow employees to benefit from the early detection of underlying health concerns, while employers can benefit...

How Telemedicine is Revolutionizing Senior Healthcare

Treating an aging population can be a complicated matter. From the general complaints of aging to more sophisticated diseases like cancers and new antibiotic-resistant infections—geriatric medicine continues to get more complex. Providing effective healthcare for the...

​Mobile Imaging for Behavior Health Facilities

It’s the goal of every medical practice to tow the line of providing the best possible care while ensuring that costs remain at a point where it’s affordable for patients to receive care and for the business to run. Behavior Health Facilities are in the unique...